Team Category Levels
L1: Family Team
L2: (optional) Ethnicity Team (IF the Family Team wants to be part of their family's world-wide Ethnicity Team)
- Arab
- Asian
- Black
- Latino
- White
L1: Profession Team
- Existing Profession Names (show option when typing)
- Physician
- Nurse
- Physical Therapist
- Dentist
- Teacher
- Pastor
- Coach
- Personal Trainer
- Lawyer
- Police Officer
- New Profession Name (if no existing Profession option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L1: Club Team
L2: (optional) Organization Team (IF local Club Team is part of a larger - national, global - Organization)
- Existing Organization Names (show option when typing)
- New Organization Name (if no existing Organization option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L3: (required) Purpose Team
- Existing Purpose Names (show option when typing)
- Sports
- Recreation
- Nature
- Conservation
- Politics
- Art
- Music
- Charity
- Community Service
- Research
- New Purpose Name (if no existing Purpose option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L1: Class Team - team membership expires on 09/01 every year for 7th graders to Seniors
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Freshmen
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior
- Class of (YEAR) - for graduated alumni (examples: 1987, 2006, 2021, etc.) - team membership does NOT expire - Applies to current or highest past level of education (HS, College, University) only.
L2: (required) School Team
- Existing School Names + City (show option when typing)
- Loma Linda Academy
- La Sierra Academy
- Redlands Adventist Academy
- Sacramento Adventist Academy
- LLU School of Medicine
- LLU School of Public Health
- New School Name + City (if no existing School option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L3: (optional) University Team (IF the School Team is part of a University)
- Existing University Names + City (show option when typing)
- La Sierra University
- Loma Linda University
- New University Name + City (if no existing University option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L1: Company Team
L2: (optional) Brand Team (IF local Company Team is part of a larger - national, global - Company)
- Existing Brand Names (show option when typing)
- Loma Linda Health
- Glendale Adventist Medical Center
- Army
- Navy
- Airforce
- Marines
- New Brand Name (if no existing Brand option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L3: (required) Industry Team
- Existing Industry Names (show option when typing)
- Education
- Healthcare
- Farming/Agriculture
- Military
- Government
- Transportation
- Finance
- Construction
- New Industry Name (if no existing Industry option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L1: Faith Group Team
L2: (optional) Denomination Team
- Existing Denomination Names (show option when typing)
- Seventh-day Adventist
- Historical SDA
- Evangelical
- Non-Denominational
- Baptist
- Methodist
- Lutheran
- Catholic
- Morman (LDS)
- Jehova Witness
- New Denomination Name (if no existing Denomination option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L3: (required) Religion Team (show option when typing)
- Christian
- Islam
- Judaism
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Bahai
- New Religion Name (if no existing Religion option) - allow Admin to EDIT
L1: OptiHealth Team
L2: (required) Therapeutic Team
- Health Promotion
- Longevity
- Weight Loss
- Diabetes Reversal
- Cardiac Rehab
- Cancer Survival
- Depression Recovery
- Addiction Recovery