Team Building Rules & Tips Screen
Team Building Rules
- CrossComp Teams are NOT designated to a Competition Level.
- The Team's CrossComp Score is the averaged Score of all the Team Members.
- The Team Members are not required to all be at the same Competition Level.
- The Team Captain must be at either the Competitor or the Champion Level.
- Team Members can be at any Competition Level.
- I'm thinking the size of the Team should be limited to a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 100.
- To be a CrossComp Team Captain that person would not need to be CrossComp Affiliate.
- Team Captains can only be a Captain to ONE Team at a time.
- Affiliates (Managers) can be the Team Manager to more than 1 Team.
- Is there any reasonable way that an appropriately limited version of this "Manage Team" screen could be made available on the Team Captain's App to help them build and maintain their Team?
- Would "Send a Message to Team Members" be possible through the App?
- Or would the Team Captain or the Affiliate Manager need to set up his own Team text-messaging system?
- Would text-messaging or emailing be easier if done through the App?
- Which would be cheaper?
- The Team Spread is the # of members at each of the 5 Competition Levels.