T - Informed Consent Screen
Informed Consent
1. Purpose and Explanation - CrossComps are standardized fitness tests that are proctored by a certified CrossComp Coach. The CrossComp for non-exercisers is a 10-minute Walk/Jog. The CrossComp for exercisers at different levels of fitness involves a series of five basic exercises: 1) A four-minute Walk/Jog/Run, 2) Three minutes of Squats, 3) Two minutes of Leg-Raises, 4) One minute of Push-Ups, and 5) One minute of Inverted-Rows.
The objective of a CrossComp is to determine your physical functional capacity, generate an appropriate exercise prescription, and track your progress towards your personal fitness goals. A CrossComp is recommended every three months durning Fitness Training and every 6-12 months for tracking Fitness Maintenance thereafter. Participation is voluntary.
2 Instructions - You are allowed to modify each exercise to the best of your ability and to set your own pace to whatever intensity level is comfortable for you. You may pause and rest any time during your exercise tests, and you may stop your CrossComp at any time for any reason. Your CrossComp Coach may encourage you to slow-down or insist that you stop, depending on the signs of exertion or discomfort that you exhibit during your CrossComp.
3. Attendant Discomforts and Risks - There is the possibility of certain physiological changes occurring during your CrossComp. These include shortness of breath, pounding heart beats, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, impaired coordination, and in extremely rare instances, heart attack, stroke, or death.
4. Your Responsibilities - It is important that you answer the Pre-Participation Screening questions accurately when your Coach briefly reviews any cardio-pulmonary-vascular symptoms, history of heart disease, and current exercise pattern. You are also fully responsible for disclosing all symptoms that you experience during your CrossComp, such as pain, shortness of breath, or pressure, tightness, and/or heaviness in your chest, neck, jaw, back, and/or arms.
If you are a minor (less than 18 years old), a parent or other legal guardian is required to be present during your first CrossComp and each follow-up CrossComp thereafter until you are 14 years old.
5. Benefits to Be Expected - Upon completing your CrossComp, you will obtain an accurate Fitness Score, an appropriate Exercise Rx, and a personalized, 12-week, renewable Fitness Training Program. Your CrossComp Score reflects: A) Your current functional capacity, B) The effectiveness of your current exercise program at no additional cost.
Your CrossComp Score reflects: A) Your current functional capacity, B) The effectiveness of your current exercise program, and C) Your progress towards your fitness goal.
6. Inquiries - You are encouraged to get any desired clarifications regarding your CrossComp from your CrossComp Coach. You and your doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer are welcome to obtain more information about CrossComp procedures and scoring, as well as its many health and medical applications, which are available through a free CrossComp Coach Certification Course at www.CrossCompU.com.
7. Use of Personal Information - The information that is obtained during your CrossComp will be treated as privileged and confidential. It will not be released or revealed to any third party. Aggregate information will be used for statistical analysis and scientific research purposes while fully protecting your identity and right to privacy. Of course, you are always free to share your CrossComp Score and Exercise Rx with anyone you choose to do so.
8. Freedom of Consent - Your voluntary participation in CrossComps acknowledges that you have read this Informed Consent and accept the attendant discomforts and risks. You understand: A) The five test exercises, B) You are free to stop your CrossComp at any time, and C) You had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to your satisfaction. If you have any personal health or medical concerns, you are encouraged to speak with your personal physician for medical clearance in order to initiate a very light to moderate exercise program.
The objective of a CrossComp is to determine your physical functional capacity, generate an appropriate exercise prescription, and track your progress towards your personal fitness goals. A CrossComp is recommended every three months durning Fitness Training and every 6-12 months for tracking Fitness Maintenance thereafter. Participation is voluntary.
2 Instructions - You are allowed to modify each exercise to the best of your ability and to set your own pace to whatever intensity level is comfortable for you. You may pause and rest any time during your exercise tests, and you may stop your CrossComp at any time for any reason. Your CrossComp Coach may encourage you to slow-down or insist that you stop, depending on the signs of exertion or discomfort that you exhibit during your CrossComp.
3. Attendant Discomforts and Risks - There is the possibility of certain physiological changes occurring during your CrossComp. These include shortness of breath, pounding heart beats, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, impaired coordination, and in extremely rare instances, heart attack, stroke, or death.
4. Your Responsibilities - It is important that you answer the Pre-Participation Screening questions accurately when your Coach briefly reviews any cardio-pulmonary-vascular symptoms, history of heart disease, and current exercise pattern. You are also fully responsible for disclosing all symptoms that you experience during your CrossComp, such as pain, shortness of breath, or pressure, tightness, and/or heaviness in your chest, neck, jaw, back, and/or arms.
If you are a minor (less than 18 years old), a parent or other legal guardian is required to be present during your first CrossComp and each follow-up CrossComp thereafter until you are 14 years old.
5. Benefits to Be Expected - Upon completing your CrossComp, you will obtain an accurate Fitness Score, an appropriate Exercise Rx, and a personalized, 12-week, renewable Fitness Training Program. Your CrossComp Score reflects: A) Your current functional capacity, B) The effectiveness of your current exercise program at no additional cost.
Your CrossComp Score reflects: A) Your current functional capacity, B) The effectiveness of your current exercise program, and C) Your progress towards your fitness goal.
- Your CrossComp Score also allows you to participate in CrossComps’ World-Wide, Life-Long Fitness Competition. Our customizable app-based platform is fun and motivating. The CrossComp App is a free download and is available through Google Play or Apple's App Store.
- If applicable, your doctor may use your CrossComp Score to help manage any sedentary-related medical conditions in conjunction with your on-going medical treatment.
- Aggregate CrossComp data will be used for the advancement of exercise science and lifestyle therapies.
6. Inquiries - You are encouraged to get any desired clarifications regarding your CrossComp from your CrossComp Coach. You and your doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer are welcome to obtain more information about CrossComp procedures and scoring, as well as its many health and medical applications, which are available through a free CrossComp Coach Certification Course at www.CrossCompU.com.
7. Use of Personal Information - The information that is obtained during your CrossComp will be treated as privileged and confidential. It will not be released or revealed to any third party. Aggregate information will be used for statistical analysis and scientific research purposes while fully protecting your identity and right to privacy. Of course, you are always free to share your CrossComp Score and Exercise Rx with anyone you choose to do so.
8. Freedom of Consent - Your voluntary participation in CrossComps acknowledges that you have read this Informed Consent and accept the attendant discomforts and risks. You understand: A) The five test exercises, B) You are free to stop your CrossComp at any time, and C) You had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to your satisfaction. If you have any personal health or medical concerns, you are encouraged to speak with your personal physician for medical clearance in order to initiate a very light to moderate exercise program.
Scheduling a CrossComp indicates that you have read and agree to the above Informed Consent.
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