Sign-Up Screen
This screen is the same for all Participants
and for Non-Participants.
This screen is the same for all Participants
and for Non-Participants.
Enter First Name
Enter Last Name
Enter Username
Enter Email
Enter Password
Enter Phone #
Enter City
Enter State
Enter Postal Code
Remember Me
Enter First Name
Enter Last Name
Enter Username
Enter Email
Enter Password
Enter Phone #
Enter City
Enter State
Enter Postal Code
Remember Me
Notes: This screen is pretty much the same as the old sign-up screen, but I have a few preferences and questions.
- Username must be unique (and not obscene or vulgar)
- We will start with addresses in the US only, but will add other Countries and Continents later, which have a variety of formats for their Postal Codes, so we need to anticipate those variations for the different Country-specific formats.
- I believe the format for the Postal Codes in Canada are XXX XXX. They use a space between two sets of 3 alpha-numeric values, #X# (?).
- IF we "chain" all the User's "Home Territories" to their "Postal Code," we would not need to request the User's City & State. BUT I think we should require the City & State here in case the Postal Code is entered incorrectly, which could be edited later in the User's Profile.
- Let's NOT have a drop-down menu of Postal Codes from which the User is required to choose.
- Let's accept all 5-digit Postal Codes as entered by Users in the US.
- For the un-formatted (no set size) entries (Names, Email, City, State) does it help to limit the # of allowed characters?
We apply character limits on the backend to enhance data processing efficiency - Should/can the Email entry require a "valid" entry format with an "@" and ending in a ".xxx" ?
- Do we need minimum requirements for the User's Password? (I would prefer not.)