CrossComp Results Screen
CrossComp Score Validity
The Competitor's Total Time or Total Rep-Count, after being adjusted for Grades, when applicable, is used to calculate the Competitor’s official CrossComp Score which is expressed as a Percentile (%) that has been controlled for Age and standardized against a Fitness Scale for optimal health.
The Competitor’s official CrossComp Score as a Percentile can be compared directly to the Competitor’s previous Scores to track improvement and also be compared to the Scores of other Competitors of the same or opposite gender or different ages.
The Competitor's Total Time or Total Rep-Count, after being adjusted for Grades, when applicable, is used to calculate the Competitor’s official CrossComp Score which is expressed as a Percentile (%) that has been controlled for Age and standardized against a Fitness Scale for optimal health.
The Competitor’s official CrossComp Score as a Percentile can be compared directly to the Competitor’s previous Scores to track improvement and also be compared to the Scores of other Competitors of the same or opposite gender or different ages.
Competitors can compete in CrossComps as often as they want in order to improve their CrossComp Score.
Competitors that score 100% or more qualify to compete in Championship CrossComps.
But since fitness is dependent on maintaining an adequate amount of regular exercise,
a Competitor's CrossComp Score is valid or "current" for up to 12 months.
Competitors that score 100% or more qualify to compete in Championship CrossComps.
But since fitness is dependent on maintaining an adequate amount of regular exercise,
a Competitor's CrossComp Score is valid or "current" for up to 12 months.
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