Average or "Team" BMI
Average or "Team" Score
Average or "Team" Age
- Sum of all the Team Member Participant's BMIs / The total # of Team Member Participants
- Display as: XX.X
Average or "Team" Score
- Sum of all the Team Member Participant's Scores factored to their Competition Levels / The total # of Team Member Participants.
- Critical Participant: Score x 0.2 = Level Score
- Clinical Participant: Score x 0.4 = Level Score
- Trainee Participant: Score x 0.6 = Level Score
- Competitor Participant: Score x 0.8 = Level Score
- Champion Participant: Score x 1.0 = Level Score
- Team Score = All the Team Member Participant's Level Scores / The total # of Team Member Participants
- Display as XXX.X%
Average or "Team" Age
- Convert YY - MM to YY.XX
- Divide # of Months by 12 and round-off to 2 decimal digits.
- Then add the Months' decimal value to the YY. value.
- Example: 45 years and 9 months = 45 - 09 or 45 - 09/12 = 45.75 years
- Add all the Team Member Participants' Ages in decimal form / The total # of Team Member Participants
- XX-MM = YY.XX conversion values
- XX-01 = XX.08
- XX-02 = XX.16
- XX-03 = XX.25
- XX-04 = XX.33
- XX-05 = XX.42
- XX-06 = XX.50
- XX-07 = XX.58
- XX-08 = XX.67
- XX-09 = XX.75
- XX-10 = XX.83
- XX.11 = XX.92
- Display as: YY - MM
BMI - Use BMI Calculator with Imperial or Metric units
- Height (inches or centimeters)
- Weight (pounds or kilograms)
- Display: XX.X (2 #'s plus 1 decimal point #)
Elapsed Time:
- Timers directly measure and display an elapsed time as a "Lap X Time" function as the timer continues into the next Lap.
- Display as MM:SS ( Minutes : Seconds )
- Appointment Finish Time - Appointment Start Time = Appointment Elapsed Time
- Example: 09:29 am - 09:12 am = 17 minutes (Used to track Coach's work hours)
- Display as: XX minutes per CrossComp Appointment
- Accumulated Appointment Times = HH:MM per CrossComp Event by Date.
CrossComp Scores
Critical CrossComp Score
Clinical CrossComp Score
Trainee CrossComp Scores
Rep Count x Grade Factor = Official Rep Count
Competitor & Champion CrossComp Score
Remove ALL Age-Factors (AF) from ALL Equations:
NO Age Factors:
Age Factors (AF): Used in each Component Score, NOT in the Total Score.
- Display: XXX.X% (1-3 #'s plus 1 decimal point #)
Critical CrossComp Score
- Aerobic - Shuttle Track Format: ( Distance Meters / 800m ) x 100 = CrossComp Score
- Aerobic - Track Format: ( Distance Meters / 900m ) x 100 = Aerobic Score
- Aerobic - Treadmill Format: ( Distance Miles / 0.56 miles ) x 100 = Aerobic Score
Clinical CrossComp Score
- Aerobic - Shuttle Track Format: ( Distance Meters / 1200m ) x 100 = CrossComp Score
- Aerobic - Track Format: ( Distance Meters / 1350m ) x 100 = Aerobic Score
- Aerobic - Treadmill Format: ( Distance Miles / 0.84 miles ) x 100 = Aerobic Score
Trainee CrossComp Scores
- (Distance / Format's Standardized Distance) x 100 = Score %
- Aerobic - 4-min Shuttle Format: ( Distance meters / 800 ) x 100 = Aerobic Score %
- Aerobic - 4-min Track Format: ( Distance meters / 900 ) x 100 = Aerobic Score %
- Aerobic - 4-minute Treadmill Format: ( Distance Miles / 0.56 ) x 100 = Aerobic Score %
Rep Count x Grade Factor = Official Rep Count
- A = Reps x 1.00 = Official Rep Count (ORC)
- B = Reps x 0.90 = Official Rep Count (ORC)
- C = Reps x 0.75 = Official Rep Count (ORC)
- D = Reps x 0.50 = Official Rep Count (ORC)
- 3-min Squats (Leg Strength): ( ORC / 120 ) x 100 = Leg Strength (Squat) Score
- 2-min Leg-Raises (Core Strength): ( ORC / 60 ) x 100 = Core Strength (Leg-Raise Score
- 1-min Push-Ups (Arm-Extensor Strength): ( ORC / 30 ) x 100 = Arm-Extensor Strength (Push-Up Score
- 1-min Inverted-Rows (Arm-Flexor Strength): ( ORC / 30 ) x 100 = Arm-Flexor Strength (Inverted-Row) Score
- [ Arm Strength: (Push-Up Score) + (Inverted-Row Score) / 2 = Arm Score ]
- Total: [ (Aerobic Score) + (Leg Score) + (Core Score) + (Arm Score) ] / 4 = Total CrossComp Score
Competitor & Champion CrossComp Score
- Convert Participant's "Lap" Time (XX:XX) for each exercise to a decimal value.
- Minutes + (Seconds/60) = MM.XX
- Example: 03:45 = 03:45/60 = 3.75
Remove ALL Age-Factors (AF) from ALL Equations:
- Aerobic - 800m Shuttle, 900m Track, 0.56mi Treadmill Format: [ ( 04:00 / Aerobic Time ) x 100 ] x AF = Aerobic Score
- 120 Squats (Leg Strength): [ ( 03:00 / Squat Time ) x 100 ] x AF = Leg Score
- 60 Leg-Raises (Core Strength): [ ( 02:00 / Leg-Raise Time ) x 100 ] x AF = Core Score
- 30 Push-Ups (Arm Extensor Strength): [ ( 1:00 / Push-UpTime ) x 100 ] x AF = Arm-Extensor Score
- 30 Inverted-Rows (Arm Flexor Strength): [ ( 1:00 / Inverted-RowTime ) x 100 ] x AF = Arm-Flexor Score
- [ Arm Strength: (Arm-Extensor Score) + (Arm-Flexor Score) / 2 = Arm Score ]
- Total: [ (Aerobic Score) + (Leg Score) + (Core Score) + (Arm Score) ] / 4 = Total CrossComp Score
NO Age Factors:
Age Factors (AF): Used in each Component Score, NOT in the Total Score.
- AGE = Factor
- 10-11 = 1.5
- 12 = 1.40
- 13 = 1.30
- 14 = 1.20
- 15 = 1.15
- 16-17 = 1.10
- 18-19 = 1.05
- 20-39 = 1.00
- 40-44 = 1.05
- 45-49 = 1.10
- 50-54 = 1.15
- 55-59 = 1.20
- 60-64 = 1.25
- 65-69 = 1.30
- 70-74 = 1.35
- 75-79 = 1.40
- 80-84 = 1.45
- 85+ = 1.50
NOTE: I simplified the equations for Clinical - Champion mph's using 4.5 and 7.5 instead !!
Miles per Hour (MPH) (Average Pace) - specific to Competition Level.
Miles per Hour (MPH) (Average Pace) - specific to Competition Level.
- Critical Protocol: ( CrossComp Aerobic Score / 100 ) x 3 = MPH
- Clinical Protocol: [ ( CrossComp Aerobic Score / 100 ) x 4.5 = MPH
- Trainee, Competitor & Champion Protocols: { [ ( CrossComp Aerobic Score / 100 ) x 7.5 = MPH
- Display: X.XX mph (one digit plus 2 decimal point digits) (Rare cases could be two digits plus 2 decimal point digits)
- There might be some missing Formulas for the other App features. I will add them as we go, if needed. If you notice a missing Formula, please let me know. (Or if a formula doesn't seem to work, let me know.)