Date: MM / DD / YYYY
Time of Day: XX:XX am/pm
Elapsed Time: XX:XX
Age: YY - MM
Height: X' XX"
Weight: XXX
Scores: XXX.X%
Postal Code: XXXXX
Dollar Amounts: $XXX.XX
- Include the spaces between the X's and /'s.
Time of Day: XX:XX am/pm
- Hour : Minute
- 01-12 : 00-59
- The am/pm is usually not bolded.
Elapsed Time: XX:XX
- (Minutes : Seconds)
- Timer (lap) exercise Times
Age: YY - MM
- Years : Months
- Example: 46 years and 7 months = 46 - 07
- Will need to convert Age to a decimal value for the calculations (Average Age). (see Formulas)
Height: X' XX"
- Feet - Inches
- Example: 5 feet 8 inches = 5' 08"
- Will need to convert Feet & Inches to all Inches when calculating BMI (see Formulas)
- We should anticipate having to convert metric (km, m, cm) in other Countries to Imperial (mi, yd, ft/in), or maybe having their own formulas.
Weight: XXX
- For weights < 100 = XX
- The label "pounds" may be needed here?
- Again, we should anticipate having to convert metric (kg) in other Countries to Imperial, (pounds, lbs).
- No units
- Round-off to only 1 decimal point #.
Scores: XXX.X%
- Maybe 1, 2, or 3 #'s, plus 1 decimal point #.
- Round-off to only 1 decimal point #.
- Use hyphens, but no (parentheses).
Postal Code: XXXXX
- For addresses in the US
- Other country Postal Code formats will need to be added later.
Dollar Amounts: $XXX.XX
- If < 100.00, use less digits, no extra "0" place holders
- If > 999.99, use a coma: $X,XXX.XX (?)
- X