- The payment is processed per Stripe protocol.
- Can payments using Stripe have a place for a Promotion (discount) Code which would change the payment amount if entered?
- Or would we need to program that here to change the Payment Amount before submitting it to Stripe for processing?
- The Promotional Codes would need to be Event-specific and for One-Time use only.
- The Code could be created by the Coordinator.
- The regular price for a CrossComp will be $15-20, depending on the venue.
- CrossComp events as Fundraisers will have higher prices, generally.
- The LOWEST FEE after applying a Promotion Code would be $2 (or $0 if covered by the Organization).
- Some Organizations may agree to pay the minimal fee and want their Participants to register for free.
- Some Organizations may want to offer the service for a "Value-Based Price" determined by the Participant. This would require the option for the User to fill-in the amount they are willing/wanting to pay.
- The Observer Fee will usually be $0.00, but for Fundraiser events may be $5-10 or more.
Notes: Selection of Categories at each level to be developed by Admin
- Sub-Categories: Family / Junior High / High School / College / Company / Medical Group / Gym / Club / Faith Group
- Parent Categories of the Sub-Categories:
- Family - White / Black / Hispanic / Asian / Arab/Middle Eastern / Bhārata
- Company - List of Industries/Occupations
- Medical Group - List of Health Specialties/Health Industry
- Gym - List of Gym Brands/Fitness Industry
- Club - List of Club Types
- Faith Group - List of Faiths/Religions
- Team Captains should be an Observer (Non-Competitor User
- If the Role was designated as a Legal Guardian, the Name of the Minor Competitor is required.
- If the role was designated as a Minor Competitor, the Name of the Legal Guardian is required.
- The payment amount for Legal Guardians is the same as for Spectators, but the Release of Liability is different.
- The payment is processed per Stripe protocol.
- Can payments through Stripe have a place for a Discount Code that would change the payment amount if entered?
- A confirmation email of the payment and information about the CrossComp would be sent to the Name & Email listed.
- A template of the email message for each type of purchase will be provided: Adult Competitor, Minor Competitor, Legal Guardian of a Minor Competitor, and a Spectator.
- The Confirmation Email to Guest Spectators (not a CrossComp App User) will also serve as their "Ticket" into the Event