Ch - Training Prep Screen
This screen is the same for Trainee, Competitor, and Champion Participants.
(Non-Participants, and Critical & Clinical Participants do not have this screen)
This screen is the same for Trainee, Competitor, and Champion Participants.
(Non-Participants, and Critical & Clinical Participants do not have this screen)
Training Program Preparation
Enter a Sunday Date to Start
Select a Weekly Rest Day
Enter a Sunday Date to Start
Select a Weekly Rest Day
Complete the list below before your Start Date:
- Obtain comfortable, but supportive and durable running shoes.
- Secure access to an accurate and reliable Treadmill if running indoors.
- Obtain proper clothing for the weather if running outdoors.
- Set Timers (on your phone) for 2:30, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 minutes (add more Timers as needed).
- Establish a convenient and safe route (as level as possible) for running outdoors.
- Optional: Measure and mark your route every 100 meters (11 long strides = 10 meters) for a total of 1200 meters out (and the same 1200 meters back).
- Watch some YouTube videos on how to do Squats, Leg-Raises, Push-Ups, and Inverted-Rows.
- Position a secure horizontal bar at 3 feet to do your inverted-rows.
- Get familiar with the CrossComp Exercise Logs.
- Weekly Rest Day = Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
- The User's "Weekly Rest Day" is also recorded as part of the User's Training Program data, but it does not change the function of the Exercise Log. Adherence to the Rest Day will be evaluated. (How often and how much does the User log exercise walking sessions on their designated Rest Day?)