Ch - Exercise Rx Screen
This screen is the same for all Participants
in the different Competition Levels.
EXCEPT for the additional "Strength Exercise Rx" for Trainee, Competitor, and Champion Participants.
(Non-Participants and do not have this screen)
This screen is the same for all Participants
in the different Competition Levels.
EXCEPT for the additional "Strength Exercise Rx" for Trainee, Competitor, and Champion Participants.
(Non-Participants and do not have this screen)
Personal CrossComp
Fitness Training Program
User's First & Last Name
Training Level
Level Participant
Date of CrossComp
CrossComp Score
Fitness Training Program
User's First & Last Name
Training Level
Level Participant
Date of CrossComp
CrossComp Score
Aerobic Exercise Rx:
- Type of Exercise: Running
- 1. Gradually develop a regular exercise pattern of 3 10-minute jogs per day, 6 days per week.
- 2. Gradually increase the intensity of your jogs to an average pace of 9 mph.
- Goal: Run 10 minutes 3x/day, 6 days/week.
- Use the CrossComp Aerobic Exercise Log to record your Aerobic Exercise sessions.
Strength Exercise Rx:
- Type of Exercise: Calisthenics
- 1. Gradually develop a regular exercise pattern of 2 7-minute calisthenic sessions per day, 6 days per week.
- 2. Gradually increase the intensity of your calisthenics to do as many reps as possible in 7 straight minutes.
- Goal: Do 7 minutes of calisthenics 2x/day, 6 days/week.
- Use the CrossComp Calisthenic Exercise Log to record your Calisthenic Exercise sessions.
Follow-Up: Do a follow-up CrossComp in 12 weeks to evaluate your Training effectiveness and to up-date your Exercise Rx.
- Only the words and # in red font are specific to this screen.