C - Challenge a Participant Screen
This screen is the same for all Participants
in the different Competition Levels.
(This screen is very similar to the
"Follow a Participant" for Non-Participants.)
This screen is the same for all Participants
in the different Competition Levels.
(This screen is very similar to the
"Follow a Participant" for Non-Participants.)
Challenge a Partcipant
Participant's Challenge Code
Enter Participant's Challenge Code
Name of Participant
Name of Participant
___ Control for Age
Participant's Challenge Code
Enter Participant's Challenge Code
Name of Participant
Name of Participant
___ Control for Age
- Challenging a Participant is OPTIONAL and always FREE.
- Every Participant is assigned a unique "Challenge Code" by Admin (listed in Profile).
- Participants can exchange their Challenge Codes with each other.
- Each Participant enters the Code of the other Participant on this screen to form a Challenge.
- After entering the other Participant's Challenge Code (or Username - see next item), only the Name of the Participant needs to appear in order for the User to accept the Challenge. (The competition Level of the other Participant does NOT need to appear.)
- IF it is easier, I guess we could have the Participants simply use each other's Usernames instead pf specially assigned "Challenge Codes." (Like the "Follow" feature for Non-Participants.)
- QUESTION: If the two Challengers (the User and the other Participant in the Challenge) are different in Age by many years making a "head-to-head" challenge unfair, COULD we have an OPTION to "Control for Age" where INSTEAD of the OLDER Participant's current (most recent) CrossComp Score is displayed, the CrossComp Score of the Older Participant would be their CrossComp Score when they were closest in Age to Younger Participant's current Age?
- After accepting the "Challenge," the Challenger's Name (the name of the other Participant in the Challenge) appears on the User's list of Challenges (previous screen).
- A Participant can challenge multiple Participants (This is unlikely to be more than just a few, maybe up to 10 max, but I do not think there is a need to limit this feature.).